Volunteer at the MMI
There are many ways you can get involved with the MMI. One way is to sign up to become an "Ansum".

Our "Ansums" is what we call our volunteers. We are currently on the hunt for generous people that might be able to donate one hour a week to help with the day to day running of the MMI.
Would you like to volunteer for 1 hour per week?
Please fill out the form below to register your interest in volunteering with us. Let us know when you might be available and any skills or interests you have.
There are a number of simple but important jobs that need to be done regularly around the building that are needed for the MMI to run smoothly but are currently not financially viable to employ someone to do. We are looking for people who would be able to give one hour per week to help out with the running of the building.
If you think you can help, please either fill in this online form, call 01872 553870 or just pop in to the MMI and speak to a member of staff.
What sort of jobs do you need help with?
Routine building checks such as room, fire escape and defibrillator inspections. Help setting up for certain room hires e.g. tidying chairs, setting up tea urns, changing posters etc.
When would I be needed?
Morning would be ideal but if that’s not convenient then another time in the day could also work. The important thing is we have someone for a short time on the same day each week.
What do I get in return?
Apart from supporting the MMI, we are a community centre so it would be a great way to socialise with members of the community. You’ll also be entitled to a free coffee from institute too.
The MMI seems very busy, why do you need help?
Sadly, though we are busy, the building is still very (and increasingly) expensive to run. Our electricity bills alone regularly come to around £2000 per month! On top of that we have staffing costs, insurance etc. It adds up and finding the balance between community-focussed prices and running a sustainable business is hard. We want to avoid raising our prices. The MMI’s finance report is publicly available on the charity commissions website.